
The Spokane Birth Resources Directory

This directory is a service that we provide 100% free to the consumer because we believe that good information should not cost you anything: the names and primary contact information of local businesses you can trust. 


It is not meant to be exhaustive, and merely represents the services and resources that we at SBR are aware of in the Spokane area. 

If you are the proprietor of a business that is not currently listed here, please let us know how to find you by emailing

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Spokane Birth Resources (SBR) does not endorse or recommend providers. It is meant to be an informational resource of local providers in the Inland Northwest community. SBR does not guarantee the accuracy or validity of credentials, including (but not limited to) certifications, licenses, or training of listed providers. There are a variety of philosophies and practices listed on the SBR Directory, and SBR encourages consumers to pursue care that supports their personal philosophies.