Placenta Encapsulation Services
Birthing Nova
(360) 204-0972
Throughout history many cultures have received healthful benefits from the consumption of placenta and modern research is proving these traditions to have merit. Placentas are rich in vitamins, minerals, hormones, stem cells and produce high levels of (CRH) corticotropin releasing hormone. CRH is a stress reducing hormone that may help to reduce stress levels in new mothers. Many women taking encapsulated placenta report an increase in breast milk supply and less hormone fluctuations which may in turn reduce the incidence of postpartum depression.
A simple & convenient way that mothers can appreciate the benefits of their placenta is to have it professionally encapsulated for their personal use. If this is something you are interested in, I can assist you. I have been trained to process & encapsulate placentas using the Traditional Chinese Method (TCM). I follow the Public Health Agency of Canada’s guidelines, employ safe Food Handling Guidelines and follow OSHA standards for Bloodborne Pathogens & Infection Control for Placenta Encapsulation training.
The Catching House
(509) 263-0505
From conception through the first year, The Catching House is full spectrum pregnancy and postpartum support. With a focus on evidenced based education, families are empowered to make informed choices that meet their specific needs. As a certified childbirth educator, birth and postpartum doula and a certified lactation specialist, Andrea has spent over a decade serving families in the Spokane and surrounding areas.

Clover Blossom Doula Care
(714) 330-9796
My placenta encapsulation services are offered as a choice of 2 packages, and can include a colorful print, a cord keepsake, a tincture and an herbal sitz bath. I also offer a bonus of smoothie cubes and placenta powder chocolates! Placentas as packed with B Vitamins, minerals, and hormones. Consumption of placentas is reported to increase milk supply, provide hormone and mood stabilization, pain relief, boost energy, and restore iron. Placenta tinctures can even be used later in life for hormonal needs. I follow OSHA standards for Bloodborne Pathogens & Infection Control for Placenta Encapsulation and the Universal Precautions.
Spokane Birth Resources (SBR) does not endorse or recommend providers. It is meant to be an informational resource of local providers in the Inland Northwest community. SBR does not guarantee the accuracy or validity of credentials, including (but not limited to) certifications, licenses, or training of listed providers. There are a variety of philosophies and practices listed on the SBR Directory, and SBR encourages consumers to pursue care that supports their personal philosophies.