Our pilot episode! Rachel and Amanda discuss how Spokane Birth Resources is like their baby and how it was birthed into the world.
01:00 – Rachel approached Amanda with the idea for a birth directory website for the Inland Northwest (Spokane and North Idaho) in early 2021, and we launched the website and social media accounts a couple months later.
01:46 – It can be confusing and overwhelming to find resources for the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum stages. The last thing you want to do is fight with the search engine monster.
02:13 – We want to spotlight the best local businesses on our SBR Directory so you only have to remember one place to go to find everything you need: spokanebirthresources.com.
03:54 – The podcast, Spokane Birth Integrity, is a companion to the SBR website and directory. We love to talk about babies, birth, pregnancy, and everything in between, so we figured we might as well record ourselves while we talk! We also want to give local businesses a chance to speak for themselves, so we plan to interview business owners and SBR directory partners in future episodes.
05:17 – Choosing the podcast name was quite the trip! We had a long list of potential names, one of which was Cervixen (no judgment in the brainstorming phase!). But we finally landed on Spokane Birth Integrity because it resonated with our desire to have honest conversations. Integrity is also the attribute of being whole and undivided, which is EXACTLY how we view the stages of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. It is meant to be a whole package.

06:13 – We take a tangent to talk about our favorite kid TV shows: Bluey, Llama Llama, Magic School Bus, and Tumbleleaf.
10:43 – We want to hear about single moms who have their own business. We want to hear about midwives. We want to hear about birth photographers. We want to hear about doulas. We want to know and highlight the LOCAL people and businesses who serve the Spokane birth community.
12:20 – Our backgrounds: Rachel is a BSN and a graduate of Whitworth University and WSU-College of Nursing. She has worked in pediatric nursing and rehabilitation nursing, but has stepped back to take care of her two children and run SBR, which we describe as her baby.
14:24 – Amanda is a copy editor and is professionally trained in print journalism. She has worked for multiple newspapers and has interned for WORLD Digital. She describes herself as the doula for Rachel’s SBR baby.
16:33 – Rachel and Amanda have been friends for almost 10 years and have been present for each other’s children’s births and almost all other major adult life events.
20:59 – We then complain talk about Daylight Saving Time and how it messes with your life, no matter if you’re springing forward or falling back!
25:59 – How to contact us: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and of course on our contact page!
Look at that baby crowning! We are so excited to dive into this project!