Our first business interview! Rachel and Amanda talk to Tricia Hughes, clinical director of Maddie’s Place.
Follow Maddie’s Place at maddiesplace.org, on Instagram, and on Facebook. Check out the Maddie’s Place high-visibility ad under the Crisis Resources section of the SBR Directory.
Listen to the full episode here
This Spokane-based nonprofit is a recovery nursery for babies experiencing withdrawal due to prenatal substance exposure, as well as a safe place for moms to connect with their babies as they recover from drug use.
Maddie’s Place is one of only 5 companies in the United States that uses this mother-baby bonding model to help in the recovery process. Tricia shares her heart behind her mission to serve the vulnerable in our community, the amazing response Maddie’s Place has received so far, and how to get involved with Maddie’s Place. Volunteer cuddler, anyone? 🙂

0:40 – Introduction
1:35 – Tricia’s background as a nurse, mom, and foster mom for 19 years
2:09 – The story behind Maddie’s Place (hint: it’s named after a real person!)
7:58 – The inception of Maddie’s Place
8:18 – Defining and explaining opiates
9:48 – How Maddie is doing now
10:15 – Helping babies learn to self-regulate and communicate
11:45 – Infants of drug-addicted moms are referred to as “drug dependent,” not addicted (addiction implies behavior and the choice to do drugs, of which babies are incapable)
14:18 – The current status of Maddie’s Place. They just raised enough money to buy the building (the former location of Vanessa Behan)
15:15 – Assisting parents in understanding and taking care of their infant
17:00 – The average stay of a recovering infant is projected to be 10-14 days (if they’re going to an experienced, stable home environment)
18:00 – Maddie’s Place will have a “squishy” discharge policy, going on a case-by-case basis
19:30 – The services that Maddie’s Place will provide parents
24:05 – According to Dr. Therese Grant, if a mother retains custody of her child, she is 3 times less likely to use drugs during a future pregnancy.
25:25 – Tricia’s future goals for Maddie’s Place
27:16 – Relationship with Spokane hospitals and agencies
30:30 – Replication of Maddie’s Place model in other cities would be great!
30:50 – Maddie’s Place staffing and facilities
33:30 – Potential future cooking classes for Maddie’s Place residents!
36:15 – Ways that Spokane does well/can improve in supporting moms and babies
39:22 – Maddie’s Place fundraiser and results
42:20 – How/what to donate and get involved with Maddie’s Place
49:00 – Nurses needed!
49:37 – 90% less morphine used when babies’ needs are met with consistent attention, regulation, and therapies
52:02 – Final takeaways – the importance of early life
53:24 – Wrap-up