Support Groups & Education
Spoelstra Family Chiropractic & FOCUS
Baby Brain Building Class
Join Dr. Hannah Layden for a FREE class designed to help new parents learn quick strategies, exercises, and concepts to support healthy development in their babies. She will cover encouraging typical development, latch issues, fussiness, milestones, and support for postpartum moms! Meets the second Tuesday of the month at 12 p.m. (except February 2022).
Inland Northwest Lactation Associates - Nurture Normally
Breastfeeding Support Group
Support for all families feeding babies. No specific topics, just feeding and friendship. Lead by Melissa Morgan, IBCLC, RLC, CLE. Self-serve baby scale available to track baby’s weight. Free community resource. Tuesdays from 12-2 p.m. Group meets at 615 E. 6th Ave., Post Falls.

Circle of Security Parenting Class
Date: New classes starting every 9-10 weeks
Times: Currently enrolling for April: Thursdays 10-11:30am and Fridays 4-5:30pm.
Place: Virtual
Price: $100 per person, or $150 per couple (for entire class). I am also able to bill for WA state Medicaid and some commercial insurances
The Circle of Security Parenting curriculum is based on over 50 years of research of building secure attachment. Classes are presented in group format – virtually or in-person – and delivered over the course of eight consecutive weeks. During that time, participants focus on increasing their ability to better understand and meet the emotional needs of their children (for exploration and comfort), as well as reflecting on their own childhood experiences and how those affect their current relationships. This research shows that caregivers – who are able to step back and look at what they’re doing and not yet doing to support the emotional needs of their children – are the single greatest protective factor for setting a healthy foundation for regulation and social interactions. And, there is something for everyone! Whether you have a newborn, an adolescent, or beyond. You can check out my website for more information, or feel free to email about getting enrolled!
Spoelstra Family Chiropractic & FOCUS
Coeur d’Alene Holistic Mom’s Group
A free group sponsored by Spoelstra Family Chiropractic & FOCUS. The group is for ALL moms & soon-to-be moms (in Coeur d’Alene and the surrounding area). Meets the first Wednesday of every month.
Mothering With Heart
(509) 475-8139
I am a lactation consultant with 30+ years experience; the majority of which were spent as an IBCLC, specializing in a variety of newborn feeding issues. My current practice goes beyond the traditional definition of breastfeeding support; it encompasses the core values of empathy, care, and the art of providing guidance to new families.
At its best, my consulting is a spiritual practice. Guiding new mothers through the breastfeeding process involves tapping into the very essence of life, love and the miraculous bond between mother and child. By assisting new mothers in establishing a strong breastfeeding relationship, I feel privileged to play a role in nurturing this spiritual connection between a mother’s heart and her baby’s needs.
My own heart’s work is not just about the babies; it’s about supporting new families holistically. I am available to provide emotional as well as practical support during this transformative journey.

Nourish Therapy - Bodywork for Breastfeeding
Date: Tuesdays
Time: 10 am
Place: 5915 S. Regal St., Ste. 306
Price: $25
Come and discover the many benefits of therapeutic tummy time for development, digestion, movement, feeding, bonding, & connection. This no-cry approach can help you AND baby enjoy tummy time more.

Nourish Therapy - Starting Solids
Dates: Offered monthly
Time: Thursdays at 1 pm
Place: 5915 S. Regal St., Ste. 306
Price: $120
Come meet other mamas in this same season of life, and make new friends while learning about all things feeding. This 4-week series will cover everything from readiness for solids, to recommended feeding gear, traditional vs baby-led weaning, training cup and straw drinking, making mealtime playful, baby’s nutritional needs, and developing the skills needed for successful transition to table foods. Register here or email to inquire.

Nurse-Family Partnership, Spokane Regional Health District
Connects pregnant people with a personal nurse for support, advice, and
information needed in order to have a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby and
be a great parent. To enroll, a woman must be pregnant, meet income
criteria, and live in Spokane County.
Please fill out the referral form on our website! Once received, our case manager will reach out to discuss our program, review eligibility, and setup an informational meeting.

Nurture Lactation Support Groups & Classes
Our mission at Nurture Lactation is to provide a wrap-around approach to the postpartum experience. In addition to infant feeding support, we also offer a variety of support groups and classes at our clinic.
Our groups work to connect mothers whose children are around the same age, as well as provide education on various topics and a space for community, discussion, and growth. We offer groups quarterly which runs for ~12 weeks.
We also offer single-session educational classes on various topics relevant to postpartum time.

Pelvic Health Support Group
Lake City Physical Therapy
Last Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Topic varies.

Preparing the Parents
(619) 454-5575
Hi! I’m Stacey Scarborough, and am passionate about birth, babies, parenthood, education and helping new parents during this amazing time in their lives! At this time, my main goal is to train others in this field, as well as offer private childbirth classes in the comfort of your home. I am an original member of DONA, Int., and ICEA, (International Childbirth Education Association), and am honored to train you to be a professional birth doula, or Childbirth Educator.
As an educator: I have been teaching childbirth classes since 1995, and offer MANY different styles of parenting preparation, listed below.
About my services: I reside in Hayden, Idaho, living my dream of being by lakes, pines and serenity. I provide birth and postpartum doula services in the Coeur d’Alene/northern Idaho area, and in home classes.
Childbirth Preparation classes: most classes are held in the comfort of your home, and run approximately 2.5-3 hours, and there are a few classes that are able to held virtually.
Childbirth preparation for new parents: 2 classes, each class 3 hours. Comfort skills for labor and delivery: 1 class, 3 hours, in person. Breastfeeding success and preparation: 1 class, 3 hours. Baby care and Sleep guidance: 1 class, 3 hours. Becoming Grandparents: 1 class, 2.5 hours via Zoom. I also offer breastfeeding guidance after the birth of the baby.
Please reach out to me for any additional questions or guidance, I welcome your calls or emails.

Spokane Mama
Spokane Mama exists to bring Acceptance, Belonging and Connection to local moms at any stage of motherhood or guardianship. We offer a soft place to land – open, inclusive, friendly and fun. You can join us at our monthly neighborhood socials, quarterly Moms Night Out, seasonal family events and annual Expo, all designed to foster new and lasting connections across the mamas of Spokane. We believe no mom should be left behind and are fierce advocates of moms having mom mates, me time and a strong support network.
MAMAS Postpartum Support Group
(360) 783-2558 (Call or Text)
Dates: Fridays (except during holidays)
Where: Spokane Public Library- Liberty Park, Study Room A
When: 12:30-2pm
Who: Everyone and their story are welcome!
Price: Free for your first visit, $10 suggested donation per meeting
MAMAS (Mamas Assisting Mamas Around Spokane) originated in 2002 when local midwife and birth doula Tamy Roloff needed a safe place for her current and past clients to gather for support and fun. We are back to discuss topics important to mothering and women, grow community, help those mothering who have little or no support, share stories, weigh babies, make friends, vent frustrations, ask for and receive advice, and find connection in a world that can feel lonely and hard to find “your people.” A variety of professionals and experts will attend MAMAS meeting for Q&A sessions covering topics like mental health, herbs, life coaching, nutrition, medicinal tea, crafts, intimacy, family planning, parenting, safe supplements, and gardening. Come and check it out! Bring a friend and your babies!
Spokane Birth Resources (SBR) does not endorse or recommend providers. It is meant to be an informational resource of local providers in the Inland Northwest community. SBR does not guarantee the accuracy or validity of credentials, including (but not limited to) certifications, licenses, or training of listed providers. There are a variety of philosophies and practices listed on the SBR Directory, and SBR encourages consumers to pursue care that supports their personal philosophies.